January is the coldest of the Cyprus winter months and has diversified temperatures across the various parts of the island. Although for many Europeans and Russian visitors the climate seems mild and comfortable, Cypriots consider January a very cold month that usually hides many surprises such as a lot of snow mainly in the Troodos mountain range. January is the second rainiest month of the year, although during many occasions you could experience prolonged periods of amble sunshine and clear skies that run for days.
Precipitation averages monthly to around 73mm (about 3 inches). Throughout January you can expect to see a lot of rain and drizzle for an average of 8 days in the month. The temperate drops at Night to about 7°C 45°F and has a high daytime reading of about 17°C 63°F (All are averages as the temperature varies between Nicosia and Limassol for example at about 2°C-3°C - Nicosia having the lowest reading being in the center of Cyprus, whereas the coastal towns enjoy a rather mildest climate). On the mountains, temperatures often drop to as low as 0°C or even lower. Hail and snow in the plains are very rare but in the unlikely event of snow, it melts quickly before it even touching the earth. Frosts during the winter are frequent in the inland and coastal areas.
The water temperature again depends on the area (east vs west) but usually averages at about 17°C 63°F. Air Humidity is at 70% with up to 11 rainy days within the month.
The hours of continuous sunshine are around 6 per day and the approximate time of sunset is17:14. Going into January, the length of the day is steadily increasing. The shortest day of January is the first day of the month with 9:40 hours of sunlight; the longest day is January 31 with 10:18 hours of sunlight.