Weather temperature will fluctuate at the same levels over the weekend as those of the past days, while a small drop in temperature is expected for Monday. Meteorological officer Panagiotis Mouskos said that over the weekend the temperature will remain the same with the mercury hitting 39 degrees Celsius in the interior of the island.
ANOTHER two elderly people were recovering from heat stroke in hospital yesterday after being hospitalised on Thursday following days of extreme temperatures. Two women aged 89 and 90, one from Limassol and the other from Nicosia, had a fever and were unconscious when admitted to the cities’ general hospitals..
A 65-year-old woman died on Wednesday night in Nicosia from heat stroke, according to health ministry officials. She is the first woman to have died as the result of the heatwave that has been ongoing for the last week.
A TOTAL of seven people have been admitted to hospitals islandwide over the last three days suffering from heat stroke and heat exhaustion, according to the health ministry. According to Ioanna Grigoriou from the health services, five of the people are suffering from heat stroke and two from heat exhaustion.
All the free areas of Cyprus were slapped with a ban on outside work between noon and 4pm as the heatwave continued to bite. The weathermen were forecasting temperatures of 43C inland with a maximum of 38C on the coast.
Heatwave conditions will prevail in Cyprus today Tuesday 17/07/2012 with temperatures reaching 42 degrees. There will be also high humidity levels in the East and South coasts. Yesterday the first three cases of heat stroke were reported to the Nicosia General Hospital, as the heat wave is affecting Cyprus for the sixth day. .
A STORM uprooted trees, damaged the power supply and endangered the lives of two fishermen in the Pyrgos Tylliras area on the northwest coast on Thursday night. Fierce winds resulted in road closure in the area, and a power cut lasting several hours after numerous trees were uprooted.